By default, the VirtueMart checkout process will ask for more information from your customer than is actually needed by your store. To help reduce the form-field overload that you customer may face when trying to purchase a product from your online store, it can help to actually remove fields that are not necessary to your business. Do you really need to know the “company", "title", or "fax number” of a customer? If not, then this tutorial will show you how to remove those fields. Changing the following file will impact the Billing Information and the Shipping Information (Shipping Address) forms that appear during the VirtueMart checkout process. The file you will need to edit can be found here: /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_userfield.php Search for the function getSkipFields() By default, the skipped fields are the username, password, password check, and the check for the terms of service agreement. function getSkipField...
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