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Showing posts from September, 2011

Joomla: Simple Picture Slideshow

I was searching for a quick slideshow plugin to use within an article in Joomla and stumbled across one called Simple Picture Slideshow . It is extremely simple to set up.  You download the plugin from their site, install it into your Joomla backend, then find it in your plugins directory.  There are few settings to play with from having the images link to other pages and buttons for controlling the slideshow.  I went with a simple approach for Ryan Gibbons Real Estate and just had a button-less image slideshow that began automatically on page load. The beauty of  Simple Picture Slideshow  is its ease of use.  It's default directory (which you can change in the plugins settings page) is set to /images/stories .  To use it in your article, you use the following syntax: {besp} sampleimages {/besp} Where sampleimages would actually be /images/stories/sampleimages .  It will load all the images in that directory and size them to the dimension...

Flash - gotoAndLearn()

A fantastic site for Flash tutorials, gotoAndLearn()  has helped me quite a bit in the past, especially with some older Actionscript 2.0 projects I have undertaken.  His videos on building your own NetStream player are reason enough to visit his site and explore. His tutorial videos are well paced and well scripted.  I'm not usually one to watch video tutorials, but I found his to be just the right length and descriptive enough to help me out quite a bit. Check the site out:

Common Social Media Colours and Fonts

Just a quick post listing some of the social media colours for use in your icons Facebook Blue:  #3B5998; White:  #FFFFFF; Font:   Klavika  Twitter Blue: #4099FF; White:  #FFFFFF; Font:   Pico - Alphabet LinkedIn Blue:  #0082B0; White:  #FFFFFF; Font:   Myriad Pro Bold Blogspot Orange:  #FF7419; White: #FFFFFF; Font:  Custom font (you will have to make one yourself) Tumblr Blue:  #243C54; White:  #FFFFFF; Font:   Bookman Old Style Bold Sample Icons: