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Showing posts from 2014

Wordpress Plugin - Lightbox Gallery: Separate Galleries on page

If you are using the Lightbox Gallery plugin for Wordpress and want to enable it on a "blog roll" type page (where all your posts show up on one page), you will find that the lightbox pop up will actually include all the images on the page when you only want it to include the images from that specific post. The solution is a quick code change in /wp-content/plugins/lightbox-gallery/lightbox-gallery.php Search for: 'class'      => "'" . $post->ID . "'",  and replace with: 'class'      => 'gallery1',

How To Set Default Attachment Display Settings In WordPress

This is a pretty quick fix. Add this to your functions.php for your theme and then you can set the default for the image attachment settings function mytheme_setup() { // Set default values for the upload media box update_option('image_default_align', 'center' ); update_option('image_default_link_type', 'media' ); update_option('image_default_size', 'large' ); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'mytheme_setup'); Obviously changing the values to what you want as the default.