To permanently remove comments from the Wordpress Twenty Fourteen theme, the file you will want to edit is:
Within this file, you will find the following code which you can either delete or comment out:
To do so, open up the content-.php file in the theme folder. For example, on a site I did this on, I edited the content-image.php file.
Look for the div with the class "entry-meta" and delete the line referencing "comments" within that div. Just cull those lines.
Within this file, you will find the following code which you can either delete or comment out:
// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template. if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) { comments_template(); }Now, there is also meta info for each content type which will list the number of comments next to the date the post was posted on under the title of each post. You'll like want to remove this reference as well (otherwise, they will all say 0 comments).
To do so, open up the content-
Look for the div with the class "entry-meta" and delete the line referencing "comments" within that div. Just cull those lines.
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